Here is the image we were given to work with:
First of all we placed the image on to an artboard on Illustrator, then scaled it to fill the page, as well as lowering the opacity so when tracing round the image we could see the lines of the face and use the pen tool accurately.
After this we began by drawing round different elements of the portrait, first of all the face, then the hair and the focusing on the facial features and colouring.
We were then instructed to add shadow to the neck:
The last thing we did was add detail to the hair by again using the stroke profile and weight settings on the lines created by the pen tool.
Here is the finished outcome:
The finished outcome would maybe look better with shadow on the face and if the jaw wasn't so angular due to struggling with the pen tool initially. Due to my inexperience on Illustrator and using the pen tool I decided to experiment using the techniques taught in the session. Below is a second attempt using a different image, done after the session using the pen tool to create a vector image:
Image used:
My work:
I feel this second experiment is an improvement on the Marilyn illustration done in the session as I felt more confident in using the pen tool and added more details to the illustration on the face which makes the work look better I feel.