Monday, 11 April 2016

Analogue Communique 3D - Further Idea Exploration

The second idea I decided to explore was my idea of having hair grips spell out the message 'get a grip'. Originally I wanted to get a more 3D looking type by using multiple heaped grips to spell out each letter but found I only had so many grips to work with, so overlapped instead where I could. I am fairly happy with how it worked out although I think letters aren't all level with each other and the design is quite simple which could mean the design looks boring although the message itself is quite bold.

I then created an animated gif on Photoshop, but rather than have each word flash consequentially one after the other I decided to make it so that the message would appear and slowly reveal the message by having the previous word stay visible when the next one appeared. To create this I used the timeline tool in Photoshop and exported out the gif for web use.

 photo get-a-grip-gif-long-retouch_zpsheugznh1.gif