In this session I began by using the layout sheet from the previous session but colouring in the squares black, and writing over in white water based marker to see the effect on a black background creating a 'negative' effect of my letter designs done on a white background with pencil.
Type Process from Libby Howker on Vimeo.
Here is the finished design:
I then took these letter designs and began scaling them up, drawing each letter again in pencil on an A4 sheet of black card, then colouring in the white areas with white pen. This was quite difficult as the pen tip was quite small, so ended up running out quite quickly. A second pen also ran out which meant that for the last few letters I had to use white oil pastel, which I found harder to be neat with when drawing the letter outlines, but the effect wasn't too different.
Here are the all the letters drawn on A4 sheets spelling out the message:
I am pleased with how my letter designs look scaled up and think they work well on a larger scale, I think it was a good idea to try out my letter designs on black paper as I think the effect of white on black looks quite good.